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Treating origins rather than simply

addressing symptoms.

Whether it's Massage Therapy, Personal Training, Health Coaching, or a custom combination thereof, the same foundational principles apply:


efficiently provide a 360º approach to treating the origins of problems rather than simply addressing symptoms. 

Sean's highest priorities while working with clients are to:

- promote optimal health 

- allow for peak physical & cognitive performance 

- authentically resolve root causes of pain & enhance overall quality of life 

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Hi, I’m Sean.


Health became a lifestyle in 2010. Having experienced the life saving benefits of holistic living, it has since become a passion to guide others out of pain and into authentic health. 

Movement is Medicine - Food is Fuel - Health is for Life



Advanced Massage Therapy

“Pain is a communicator speaking another language”


Did you know that where we feel pain is almost never where the pain originates? For many clients, chronic pain stems from common imbalances and dysfunctional patterns in the musculoskeletal system, leading to compensations. Compensations strengthen dysfunction, stronger dysfunction further elevates pain.


By blending several therapeutic modalities to treat the body’s entire system, Sean authentically provides a 360º approach to treating the origins of problems rather than simply addressing the symptoms. Educating clients throughout their journey while alleviating body aches, chronic pain, and allowing for optimal athletic performance are Sean's primary objectives.


Certified Personal

As a Certified Trainer & Corrective Exercise Specialist, Sean utilizes a functional movement-based approach to Personal Training while creating programs that specifically cater to each client.


Additionally, the best exercise prescriptions not only enhance aesthetics and improve strength, but also eliminate and avoid chronic pain all together. Finally, Sean incorporates nutritional strategies that complement his clients' fitness routines, ensuring a comprehensive approach to overall well-being.


If you’re ready to maximize energy & minimize pain, then Sean is here to guide you on your journey to optimal health.

Male nutritionist showing and discussing vitamin pills with Asian man while sitting at tab


Let’s face it: creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be frustrating to down right overwhelming. The solution?...someone who can help you navigate the conflicting landscapes on what to eat, how to exercise, and the best ways to manage stress. That person? A Health Coach!


A Health Coach is your passionate health & wellness advocate authentically guiding you towards a life of vitality, strength, & holistic wellness.


As opposed to a myriad of health practitioners, a Health Coach is one person who specializes in behavior changing techniques in multiple realms of health who can guide you through an assortment of maintainable improvements.


As a Coach, Sean thoroughly enjoys creating & implementing unique, all-encompassing protocols to elevate clients towards a healthier way of life.  The 3 Pillars of Health that Sean guides you in:


1: Optimizing Nutrition

2: Customizing Fitness

3: Curating Lifestyle Habits


Each pillar of health bears equal responsibility. If one pillar falters, the entire system collapses.  Brick by brick, Sean helps you build a foundation upon which health & functionality can truly thrive.

plant medicine for

Sean K. Baker

4111 Marathon Blvd #120

Austin, Tx. 78756


©2019 by Dr. Bodyworks


Sean K. Baker

4111 Marathon Blvd #120

Austin, Tx. 78756


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